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The timeline of key dates and procedures for the Prismacolor Design Contest 2023

Submission Deadline

November 10, 2023

This is the crucial date by which all contestants must submit their artwork entries. Artists and designers participating in the contest must ensure that their creative pieces are submitted by this deadline to be considered for the competition. The submission process involves sharing digital or scanned copies of their work along with the required information.

Finalists Announcement

November 17, 2023

After the submission deadline has passed, the judging panel, which includes distinguished figures like Olivia Walker and Dan Mitchell, goes through the entries to select the three finalists. The announcement of the finalists on November 17, 2023, is a moment of great excitement for both the contestants and the creative community. It marks the first glimpse of the exceptional talent that has made it to the final stages of the competition.

Public Voting Starts

December 1, 2023

The public voting phase, beginning on December 1, 2023, is a unique opportunity for the wider community to engage and participate. During this period, individuals from all walks of life, art enthusiasts, friends, family, and supporters of the contestants are encouraged to cast their votes for their favorite pieces. It's a chance for contestants to rally their fan base and mobilize support for their work.

Public Voting Ends

December 4, 2023

The public voting period is limited to a few days, closing on December 4, 2023. Contestants must encourage their supporters to vote for their creations during this window. The short duration of the public voting period adds an element of excitement and urgency to the contest, intensifying the competition.

Winner Announcement

December 5, 2023

On December 5, 2023, the culmination of months of hard work and creativity is celebrated with the announcement of the contest's winners. The winning artists or designers, chosen by a combination of expert judges and the public's choice, will be revealed. This is the moment that marks the climax of the contest, as well as the beginning of new opportunities and recognition for the talented individuals who have participated.

The Prismacolor Design Contest 2023 is not just an art competition but a journey of creativity and expression. It's a platform for artists to showcase their skills, receive public acknowledgment, and connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for art.

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